Funny and good game
Just add some helmets/armour from the game and the weapons to look like he's actually holding them
Funny and good game
Just add some helmets/armour from the game and the weapons to look like he's actually holding them
Like that its not a perv game!
But it seems like there are just so few clothe choices add more and it will be a great game!
good game and all but...
Where the HELL are the stats page? still good game through and through
Oh no!
I died.
Great game a few more clothing items will make it perfect also choosing how you layer things
great game
Love foxes just add a few more clothing options still 10/10
Is it just me?
It seems to me like the graphics are slightly...worse? The character designs seem just... too cheap. I am glad that there are much more choices and upgrades now.
This is alright I guess.
I'm sorry I just couldn't enjoy the game as I had hoped still I say you deserve all the succucess this game has earned.
Try to put the items on a list, like a click and drag. That would just make the game seem a little better. Still a great game none the less.
Age 27, Male
Alaska (really)
Joined on 6/19/10